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The Quantum Thinkers’ ADHD Community: Where Brilliance Thrives

Don’t Do ADHD Alone!

Registration is now Open for Jan 2025

You’re an Emerging Professional in a Fast-Paced Environment . . . But Your ADHD Mask Is Unravelling, and It Seems Like You’re the Only One.

While everyone else seems to handle their careers effortlessly, you feel like you’re on the outside looking into the House of Competence.

Is any of this going on for you? 

  • You were a rockstar in your old role, but you’ve just been promoted to management, and now you’ve got to figure out how to manage a team, delegate, communicate, and inspire. All while maintaining your high standards of excellence. Hello, burnout.
  • You’re already managing people, but not as effectively as you want to. You get pulled around by other people’s needs and frustrated that they don’t just see the big picture and take action.
  • You’re thinking of moving to a new company or positioning yourself for a promotion, and you want to develop the leadership and management skills that will put you a cut above the competition.
  • You’re so done focusing on “managing your ADHD.” You want to step up into your full professional leadership potential.
  • You’re holding it together just enough, but you’re one missed deadline away from someone finding out that you absolutely do NOT have it all together.

Welcome to the Quantum Thinkers’ ADHD Community. 

You’re the Sum of the 5 People You Spend the Most Time With.

Stack the Odds in Your Favor.

adult group coaching

How Does This Community Work with My ADHD Strengths? 

  • You know how you can read a room in an instant? That’s an ADHD strength. In our community, we pool our collective Emotional Intelligence abilities to develop the art of influencing, as we work together to overcome communication issues that might block us from being as masterful in leadership.

  • You’re incredible at seeing the big picture and connecting the dots . . . but not always in your own stressful work situations. Our Quantum Thinking - laser coaching hot seats will bring big-picture solutions to your most pressing issues. Can’t read the label from inside the bottle? We’ve got your back.

  • Our meetings are professional AND laid-back. In 75 minutes, we’ll move through a structure that keeps you engaged (no 90-minute lectures here!), with plenty of variety and opportunity to contribute.

  • This is your personal Board of Brains! Compassion and Non-Judgment are built into our culture, so you can bring your leadership dilemmas without shame or guilt. In our Alliance, you’ll banish Imposter Syndrome and never again wonder, “How can I lead a team when, behind the scenes, I’m a hot mess?”

  • Our community is completely personalized and a balance of real-time quantum problem solving PLUS skill-set development and practice . . . with built-in, simple accountability for everyone.
A Community Just for the Uniquely Wired ADHD Brain:  Leadership Skill Building in a Space Where We Get You.

If this is you, then join us!

  • You value integrity, freedom, and ambition. You want to be in the company of powerhouses who live to chase more purpose and meaning in work and life.
  • You want an alliance of driven, successful people to spend time with . . . who also accept when you lose your train of thought, ramble on a little, or interrupt impulsively and bring you back on track.
  • You want your day-to-day triggers to stop preoccupying you so badly that you can’t concentrate. Instead, you want to focus on the projects, initiatives, and relationships that make you feel high on life.
  • You want a home base where you can solve your most pressing problems so you can show your best face in front of your team.
  • You want to be in a space where you are surrounded by people who elevate each other and inspire one another to be Legacy Leaders.

Group Member Experience

"I have learned many tools to help me perform better daily--in my job and personal life. Concepts like managing overload, influencers that affect my mood, time management, and communication. Thank you, Cathy, for your expertise and support!"

Have We Met? I’m Coach Cathy.
I Believe in the Expansive Possibilities That Happen in a Community of Brilliant Minds.  Especially ADHD Minds.


I wasted many hours in my corporate career stuck in the bottleneck of hyperfocus on negative situations at work. Our ADHD hyperfocus can cause us to go down a rabbit hole of rumination, beating ourselves up, and shaming ourselves.

In my corporate career and as a business owner, being a part of communities that elevate my strengths instead of remediating my symptoms has saved my butt and accelerated my leadership. 

Strength-based communities gave me permission to see a realm of solutions and possibilities drawn from the collective wisdom and experience of incredible professionals like you. With multiple voices acknowledging what I was going through, I had my own personal Board of Brains to support my brilliance.

Every two weeks, we come together and interrupt the wild stuff that’s going on in our heads so we can regain powerful focus on doing kick-ass things. 

It sounds like you want a piece of that leadership pie, right?

I Invite You to Amp Up Your Sphere of Support in the Quantum Thinker's ADHD Community.

Standard Membership

$150 USD / month

Minimum of 3 Months Commitment - $450

  • Bi-weekly group coaching: 6 sessions in 3 months (75 minutes each)
  • Weekly Office hours - Get private coaching from Cathy  
  • Access to our private online community for ongoing support and connection
  • Exclusive resources, including guides, worksheets, and recommended readings/Listening
  • Accountability and progress tracking to keep you on track toward your goals
  • Optional participation in virtual co-working sessions for increased focus and productivity
  • As we grow the community, more features will be added
  • Choose the date and time that works for your schedule between Jan to March of 2025.  

Group A - Bi-weekly Tues - Jan 7th to March 18th (5 pm MST/ 7 PM EST) 

Group B - Bi-weekly Wed - Jan 8th to March 19th (12 pm MST/  2 PM EST)

Group C - Bi-weekly Friday - Jan 10th to March 21st (10 am MST/ 12 pm EST)

Register for the group

Client experience

“Before working with Cathy, I carried more stress around about how to manage the disorganization and craziness in every corner of my life.  Now I have a handle on life, much better expectations of what kind of solutions are going to be realistic for me, and much less avoidance in tackling things as they pile up. I can choose to do the work that will be most productive instead of spinning my wheels pushing through things that just won't work.”

Join Waitlist for future groups

What Do You Need To Know About The Community?